Our Story
"During a trip to Italy I was shocked by the large number of shops specializing in organic products and the ease with which organic products can be found even in ordinary supermarkets. There was quite the gap with Japan at the time.
So I decided to open a shop myself that offered these products, to actively contribute to their diffusion and to normalize their consumption in Japan. I then studied Italian and went to learn the art of artisanal gelato in Rome."
"In 2017 I opened my artisanal gelato shop "Gelato Naturale": a place where you can enjoy the aromas and flavors in their authenticity."
Jumpei Uramoto - Gelato Master
This shop was born not only from the love for gelato and Italy but also from the desire to offer healthy and genuine products, that are good for body and mind but without sacrificing taste.
No additives or industrial preparations, only raw materials carefully selected in respect of humans, animals and the environment.
Our gelato is the result not only of our commitment but also of the work of many farmers who share the same vision and passion with us: by offering these products we hope to make more and more people interested in genuine and authentic flavours, which come with values such as respect for oneself and nature, to promote a healthier lifestyle.
Un bel gelato ti fa felice!
A nice gelato makes you happy!
Here at Gelato Naturale we only want one thing: that our gelato is good for body and soul.
Fresh and highly nutritious ingredients such as milk, brown sugar and seasonal fruit, or actual superfoods like hazelnuts and pistachios, they are all you need to create high quality gelato every day.
A healthy snack for the whole family, a boost of energy and nutrients when we are tired, a cuddle at the end of the day... a tiny morsel of happiness.
Past, present and future
What we eat affects our health: by using ingredients obtained through activities in harmony with nature, we seek to protect our health and our future as a community for the years to come.
Here at Gelato Naturale we work for the present and the future but always keeping the past at heart.
Every year we participate in initiatives aimed at transmitting traditional techniques and culture to our children but also in events that promote sustainability and respect for the environment.
Gelato Master
After many years in interior design, he studied the art of gelato in Rome.
In Japan he creates his own recipes to make 100% organic artisanal gelato with local products maximizing the aromas of the ingredients, resulting in rich and intense flavours.